As we all have come to realize, the COVID-19 / Coronavirus pandemic has prompted many changes and adjustments to our normal methods of operation. This page is intended to offer you the current implications for what is going on here at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Oaks, Pennsylvania.
May 1, 2021 Update
In person services have resumed! If you are not comfortable yet joining us each Sunday, we are offering a variety of ways for you to join us from the comfort of your home!
June 15, 2020 Update
Given general directives from government officials and the most recent pastoral directive from our diocesan Bishop, we are now permitted to have public in-person gatherings at St. Paul’s beginning June 21, 2020. We are busy preparing for Sunday services, as well as other approved gatherings and meetings. All gatherings are limited to a maximum of 25 people, which means people must register ahead of time to attend. If you are interested in being included in the online registration process, please contact the parish office (610-650-9336) to submit your email address.
We will continue to have weekly recorded sermons posted here:
Other Resources
Centers for Disease Control:
World Health Organization:
White House Task Force:
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: